Wednesday 16 February 2011

The Constant Twitting

As a character in this play, I find The Twitting very interesting, as she is the only one who actually evolves and changes throughout the course of the play, and takes on another opinion. She is a shy and reserved little girl, who  doesn't seem to say much except to claim that she doesn't know, or is unsure. But when The Wild One is introduced, she is the only one to stop and listen, and to realise that her claims may be true, and that she may have a point. She begins to agree that they may be better off if they try to escape, and because of that she is the one that the others turn against after the murder of The Wild One. I decided to base her character on a chick, because she seems younger and more fragile than the other women, and I like the idea that texture would play a big part in her costume, giving the audience a reaction to her because they remember what those kinds of fabrics feel.

The Chick I used for Inspiration

One of the very first basic sketches I made for The Twitting

 Final Design - Front View, Watercolour pencils, chalk, pencil 

I can't put up a view of my body pose drawing this time as it is being used as an informal display piece in the wardrobe at the moment because Interviewees are being shown around the Uni. But I hope you can get an idea of the stance and her personality from my Final Design. 
Ta for looking
Sal XX

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